Sexual Harassment Cell

Sexual Harassment Cell

Sexual Harassment Committee at Patamda College

Patamda College is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff. To uphold this commitment, the college has constituted a Sexual Harassment Committee in compliance with the guidelines of the UGC and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Objectives of the Committee: To prevent and address incidents of sexual harassment within the college premises. To create awareness about gender equality, safety, and the importance of respectful behavior. To ensure a fair, impartial, and confidential inquiry process for complaints of sexual harassment.

Functions of the Committee: Prevention: Organize awareness programs, workshops, and campaigns to sensitize students and staff about sexual harassment and related issues. Promote a culture of mutual respect and safety on campus.

Redressal: Address complaints of sexual harassment promptly and confidentially. Conduct impartial investigations and recommend appropriate actions to the college administration.

Support: Provide counseling and emotional support to complainants. Ensure that complainants and witnesses are not subjected to retaliation or victimization.

How to Report a Complaint: Any student, faculty, or staff member experiencing or witnessing an incident of sexual harassment can report it to the committee through a written complaint. The details of the complaint will be kept strictly confidential, and necessary action will be taken promptly.

Composition of the Committee: The committee comprises: Faculty members from diverse departments. A student representative. An external member from a relevant organization or legal background, ensuring an unbiased perspective. Commitment to Safety: Patamda College is dedicated to fostering an environment where every individual feels safe, valued, and respected. The Sexual Harassment Committee ensures that the campus remains a secure and equitable space for everyone.

Sexual Harassment Committee