

Branch Subjects
Science Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany & Zoology.
Humanities Bengali, Hindi, English, Kurmali, Sathali & Philosophy.
Social Science Economics, History, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology

• Undergraduate degree programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple entries and exit points
• a Certificate after completing 1 year (2 semesters) of study in the chosen fields of study,
• a Diploma after 2 years (4 semesters) of study,
• a Bachelor Degree after a 3-year (6 semesters) programme of study,
• a Bachelor Degree (with Hons. / Research) after a 4-year (8 semesters) programme of study
• Holistic and multidisciplinary education across the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences
• Adoption of flexible curricular structures to enable creative combinations of disciplinary areas
• Credit-based courses and projects in the areas of community engagement and service, value based education
• Focus on Vocational Education
• Emphasis on Language and Communication Skills